The Simpsons is one of the most famous television shows in the world. This renowned American series has gained its popularity thanks to the multiple details related to reality that appear in its chapters, such as characters, anecdotes and their controversial "predictions".
However, there is a specific aspect that hundreds of fans wonder about its meaning, and it would be Homer's usual way of referring to religion, especially "Jesus", whom he calls "Jebus".
According to several fandom portals of The Simpsons, the explanation is based on two theories. The first affirms that everything is due to the supposed crayon that Homer has in his brain, which prevents him from being a genius and leads him to confuse words, such as "Jebus".
The other theory is based on the alleged disrespect that Homer feels for religion and the church, since he has repeatedly fallen asleep, listened to football or even forgot the name of "Reverend Lovejoy", calling him "Captain I don't know. -what".
What do you think? Mental problem or disrespect?